
Upcoming Events

PCN 2022 - Summer School for Primate Cognitive Neuroscience 2022

Bad Bevensen, July 24 - August 5, 2022

Course content

This second instantiation of the newly established European Summer School will bring together PhD students, early postdocs, and an international list of faculty for an intense training programme in primate cognitive and systems neuroscience. It will provide an outstanding training opportunity for young scientists working with non-human primates.

Teaching will focus on cognitive processes in primate sensory and motor systems as well as in social settings and decision making, and will include important and novel results and methodologies. Topics of animal welfare, ethics, and media outreach will also be covered. Each faculty member will teach for about one half-day and furthermore will be available for individual scientific discussions, career planning advice, and scientific networking. Participants are expected to present their ongoing work in a poster presentation.

Selection of applicants is competitive, and a limited number of travel grants is available for international participants.

For more information and application, please visit this website.

Past events

Tübingen, March 12-13, 2020

Course content

This advanced course on primate neurobiology methods (mandatory for GTPN members) will focus on animal training as well as behavioral, experimental and data analytical methods for researchers working with nonhuman primates (NHPs) in neurophysiological settings. Important topics include also ethical aspects, animal welfare, and communication to the public.

For course details and registration see here.

Summer School for Primate Cognitive Neuroscience 2019

Bad Bevensen, 28th July - 9th August 2019

Course content

This newly established European Summer School will bring together PhD students, early postdocs, and an international list of faculty for an intense training programme in primate cognitive and systems neuroscience. It will provide an outstanding training opportunity for young scientists working with non-human primates.

Teaching will focus on cognitive processes in primate sensory and motor systems as well as in social settings and decision making, and will include important and novel results and methodologies. Topics of animal welfare, ethics, and media outreach will also be covered. Each faculty member will teach for about one half-day and furthermore will be available for individual scientific discussions, career planning advice, and scientific networking. Participants are expected to present their ongoing work in a poster presentation.

Selection of applicants is competitive, and a limited number of travel grants is available for international participants.


Confirmed faculty: a.o. Prof. Michele A. Basso, Prof. Kari Hoffman, Prof. Richard Krauzlis, Prof. Andreas Nieder, Prof. Peter Thier, ...


For more information and application, please visit this website.

Primate Neurobiology Methods Course 2019

Göttingen, 04.-05.03.2019

Course content

This advanced course on primate neurobiology methods (mandatory for GTPN members) focuses on important behavioral, experimental and data analytical methods for researchers working with nonhuman primates (NHPs) inneurophysiological settings. Important topics include among others analysis, computational analysis and legislation.

Final program

Primate Neurobiology: Research, Methods, Ethics

Tübingen, 15.-16.03.2018

Course content

This advanced course on primate neurobiology methods (mandatory for GTPN members) focussed on important behavioral, experimental and data analytical methods for researchers working with nonhuman primates (NHPs) in neurophysiological settings. Important topics included among others behavioral training, housing & welfare, law & regulations, documentation, public outreach and ethics with respect to the planning and execution of neurobiological experiments with NHPs.

Final program

Primate Neurobiology Methods

Göttingen, 09.-10.03.2017

Course content

This advanced course on primate neurobiology methods focussed on further important behavioral, experimental and data analytical methods for researchers working with NHPs in neurophysiological settings. Topics included cage-based animal training, animal husbandary and veterinary care, MRI imaging, massively parallel recording, and the analysis of neural data.

Primate Neurobiology Methods: Behavior, Experiments, Analysis, and Ethics

Tübingen, 17.-18.03.2016

Course content
This advanced course on primate neurobiology methods (mandatory for GTPN members) focuses on important behavioral, experimental and data analytical methods for researchers working with NHPs in neurophysiological settings. Important topics include behavioral training, implantation techniques, anesthesia, data acquistion, analysis, welfare, and ethics with respect to the planning and execution of neurobiological experiments with NHPs. The course expands on previous NHP lab animal science courses (such as those taught recently in Göttingen).

Laboratory Animals Science Course on Primates II

Göttingen (E-Learning 21.10.-20.11.2015; on-site course 23.-27.11.2015)
co-organized with EUPRIM-net

Course Content
The content of the course is in accordance with the recent FELASA Guidelines and the ducation and Training Framework of the EU Directive 201/63/EU. It covers the functions A (Persons carrying out animal experiments) and B (Persons responsible fordirecting animal experiments). 

E-Learning content: National legislation; ethics, animal welfare and the 3Rs; basic and appropriate biology of primates; primate care, health and management; recognition of pain, suffering and distress in primates, humane methods of killing in lab animals.

On-site course content: Primate Handling and Training (theory and practice); Minimally Invasive Procedures in Primate Research – Insights from Neurosciences, Infection Biology, Stem Cell Research and Fieldwork (theory); Measuring Behavior (theory and practice); Ethics, Animal Welfare and the 3Rs; Design of procedures and projects – Insights from Infection Biology and Neurosciences; Good laboratory practice; Biometry and Biostatistics in Laboratory Animal Science; Legal Issues and Responsibilities

Laboratory Animal Science Course on Primates

Göttingen, co-organized with EUPRIM-net
E-Learning 01.05.-12.06.2015,on-site course: 17.-19-06.2015

General Primatology Behaviour, Cognition and Neurophysiology

Göttingen, 24.-27.11.2014, co-organized with EUPRIM-net

Course content
Fundamental information on primate behaviour, cognition, neurophysiology, ethics in animal testing

GTPN Kick-off Meeting

Tübingen, 28.03.2014

Course content
Introduction to and discussion about the GTPN, communication training